This year Daisy is 4 so I have decided to start doing some preschool activities with her thru the fall and winter.Nick and I have both talked about the pros and cons of our public school system and although there would be a few huge benefits with sending her to school (head start this year and kindergarten next)we decided that we would home school the girls at least for their first few years and see how it goes.
I was home schooled for a good portion of my school years by my mum and I honestly felt way more secure and more loved at home than when I later went to a private christian school.For me going to school was basically a bad experience through and through,not only was I teased and made fun of,I was pitted against my family and for years the church/school we were part of ruined my family.There was a period of time when I did not have any communication with my family because they shunned me for stepping out on my own and making a stand for myself and who I was.For saying that I am a human I make mistakes and I don't want to be harshly judged but loved for who I am.
When I was pregnant with Daisy I was a one on one through the public school district in a special education class.I loved the students very much,there were one or two good paraprofessionals also,however the teacher turned me off from ever wanting to turn my child with special needs over to anyone.I saw children who could not talk get slapped across the face so hard even I was stunned,I saw sexual jokes and comments be constantly made in front of the kids,I saw children be forgotten or left behind,I saw children spend their entire mornings in time out because nobody felt like dealing with them,I saw kids miss school because people fed them foods that they were allergic to hoping the kid would have a reaction and stay home the next day when there was a scheduled field trip.I saw things that nobody should ever have to worry about when their child is in a "safe" place like a school.
Nick went to public school all through his school years because his mum worked full time and she firmly believes to this day all kids need the socialization that public school has to offer.I do not at all feel this way (neither does Nick) and believe that children should be raised and taught that family is important and that they will always be there for you.We want the girls to be raised not only as siblings but also as best friends.
We have not told My family nor Nicks of our plans to home school as they are both strongly opposed (funny how my mum home schooled us and then sent all my younger siblings to public school now they believe there is no other way)I'm glad we don't have to face that conversation this year and maybe by next school year we will have dropped enough hints that we wont even have a big argument about it :)
In the meantime we will be researching christian curriculum's,and working through a daily routine and schedule preparing the girls for the future.We have a tentative schedule for this winter,we will be working in preschool activities such as,letter,shapes,colors,sorting,adding,coloring, painting,nature walks,building snowmen,watching and feeding the birds,etc.Here is what our schedule looks like right now and I feel good about it,not pushing too much just helping them to grow and learn through everyday life :)
If anyone has a curriculum they love please drop me a note or comment,I would love to hear others opinions!
Monday Painting
Tuesday Story and Journal Drawing
Wednesday Craft
Thursday Baking
Friday Handwork,sewing,beads,playdoh,etc
Saturday Go out and About,museums,park,nature walk,etc
Sunday Family Day
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