

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thrift Store Finds!

    Yesterday I took a little time to run to a local thrift store,hoping to find a few pieces of fabric to make the girls some winter dresses,as Daisy has informed me she will no longer be wearing pants because "princesses don't wear pants."As I looked at her earnest little 3 year old face I sarcastically thought to myself "when you act like a princess you can wear anything you like!"However,good little mommy that I am I went to the thrift store looking for something to turn into cute dresses for her.I found the cutest light blue wale corduroy for .50 and a black and red/orange plaid flannel for .25.Of course I couldn't just stop there so I kept looking and found a few awesome deals! I was even able to find Christmas cookie cutters at .50 for a whole bagful!Then I was beyond excited to find this awesome green tea set for only $2.

After digging through all kings of odds and ends I found another really pretty beige teapot to add to my collection of little teapots for $1.50 and I even managed to find an old fashioned knitted tea cozy for .50!I was really excited,me and mum have looked at tea cozys online for quite sometime now :)I think I'm going to give it to her so we can enjoy it together :)

   All day though I have been kicking myself for not picking up the 8 balls  of  wool yarn,even though they were an almost hideous shade of orange for .25 ea they would have been perfect for the dryer balls I have been wanting to make!Maybe they will be there next time still.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winter is Here!!!!!!!!!!

   Wow,it is so hard to believe how fast time flies!I can't believe in only 8 weeks I will be a married woman!I'm so excited to begin our new life together!
   Seems like this time of the year goes by the quickest for our family,first Halloween rolls around then Thanksgiving and Christmas sneak up on us all too fast!This year we are looking forward to taking the girls out for the first time to go trick-or-treating they are very excited!Daisy is thrilled with the cute Tinkerbell costume her daddy bought for her on our last trip to Toys R Us.Lilly is going to be a fairy princess.Since it will probably be cold we are planning on taking them to the mall this year.
   I have been keeping busy with a variety of projects the past week, however the most pressing one is the most daunting!I am working on making costume additions for a local dance studio for their big performance coming up.It will also be Daisy's second time  performing.I'm so proud to see my dear daughter on stage,it really means alot to me esp when just 3 years ago doctors told us she may never walk or know who we are or even live.Sitting there watching my darling little girl struggle for life after heart surgery I never thought she would do as well as she has, I am so proud to be called her mother.

   It hardly seems possible my baby (Lilly) will be turning 2 in just a couple months,she is really blossoming into a sweet little girl.She struggles greatly with her Sensory disorder and processing daily life but if one needs a hug she is definitely the place to go!She is such a little lover!
   I have started my first Molly Monkey doll,I have her whole body put together and partially stuffed,however she kind of got put on the back burner when the girls came down with the stomach flu 2 days ago.
   Well, I shall sign off for now,I have so much to accomplish the next couple days,and I'm hoping to get it all done so I can start with making Christmas Fruitcakes next week!Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sensory Integration Disorder (SID)

   All is peaceful and quiet at the moment,Nick is working and the girls are quietly resting.Once again I sit,steaming mug of cider in hand tapping away at the keys of my computer,announcing to the world what has been happening in our world.
   Late last night while I couldn't sleep I worked on Lillian's weighted therapy blanket and actually managed to finish it before I went to bed! It turned out really,really cute I am super happy with it and so is she!Last night was our first night in a very long time she only got up once or twice. Thanks in part to her new blanket and a dose of Benadryl prescribed by her Doctor!She is pretty sick today and has been pretty fussy but I think the weight from the blanket is helping to calm her.
   I have also been working on making hot/cold bags that are filled with corn,beans,rice,etc.These are not only to relieve aches and pains but to also be used as weighted lap pads for the girls to help with their sensory processing disorders.So far I have gotten 3 finished and somehow Daisy has ended up with two :)She really likes the feeling of the weight it is very calming for her.We also bought her a water filled "chewy" and it also seems to be helping with her need to put everything into her mouth.We have had alot of struggles as a family with two special kids but they are so worth the challenge.
   Last night my dear hubby (to-be) printed me up a pattern for the Molly Monkey Doll and I immediately went and picked up a few things I needed to make them.I am so excited to get started on this project!It looks like so much fun and I know the girls will absolutely adore these little creatures!
   Alot on my to-do list- new shirts for myself and a few new dresses for the girls.And I have been looking forward to making laundry soap next week along with a set of wool dryer balls.
   I'm still working hard to figure out all this blogging stuff,so far it has been really fun but I still have alot left to do here.