All is peaceful and quiet at the moment,Nick is working and the girls are quietly resting.Once again I sit,steaming mug of cider in hand tapping away at the keys of my computer,announcing to the world what has been happening in our world.
Late last night while I couldn't sleep I worked on Lillian's weighted therapy blanket and actually managed to finish it before I went to bed! It turned out really,really cute I am super happy with it and so is she!Last night was our first night in a very long time she only got up once or twice. Thanks in part to her new blanket and a dose of Benadryl prescribed by her Doctor!She is pretty sick today and has been pretty fussy but I think the weight from the blanket is helping to calm her.
I have also been working on making hot/cold bags that are filled with corn,beans,rice,etc.These are not only to relieve aches and pains but to also be used as weighted lap pads for the girls to help with their sensory processing disorders.So far I have gotten 3 finished and somehow Daisy has ended up with two :)She really likes the feeling of the weight it is very calming for her.We also bought her a water filled "chewy" and it also seems to be helping with her need to put everything into her mouth.We have had alot of struggles as a family with two special kids but they are so worth the challenge.
Last night my dear hubby (to-be) printed me up a pattern for the Molly Monkey Doll and I immediately went and picked up a few things I needed to make them.I am so excited to get started on this project!It looks like so much fun and I know the girls will absolutely adore these little creatures!
Alot on my to-do list- new shirts for myself and a few new dresses for the girls.And I have been looking forward to making laundry soap next week along with a set of wool dryer balls.
I'm still working hard to figure out all this blogging stuff,so far it has been really fun but I still have alot left to do here.