

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Learning Patience

   So,life has been crazy here.We moved out of our place the end of September and have been staying at my folks ever since.I'm still frantically searching for a place and a job but with no luck so far.Daisy has been going to the  little country school out here for almost two weeks,she loves it,but it isn't the same as homeschooling (which I love).However at the last moment I decided it would be best at least until we get settled and into a routine.
   Most of our belongings are in storage for now and I so long for a place to call home.To be in our own home again,me and the girls,to have our own schedule,to get up and make my own kids breakfast and do our own laundry,etc.Don't get me wrong I greatly appreciate every single thing my mum n dad do for us but I cant wait for life to get back to "normal"
   I hope you're all doing well.
   God Bless you all as you continue thru this journey we call life (((hugs)))