

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Tired of Even Thinking About Moving Blah...

   Still looking for a new place to live.Time is running out after multiple disappointments and let downs Im getting frustrated.We now have just over 3 weeks to find a place and get moved.Im beginning to stress but just keep praying the perfect house is  on the horizon.I haveprobably called at least 75 Landlords this week,calling  28 yesterday alone!Everyone is full or have crazy,ridiculous rules.Not to mention very few places will even consider letting us keep Andy (the puppy we were given last week).
   The girls are so sick of being drug out to look at new houses every day and have been showing it with their awful behavior!So far 3 different landlords went as far as to tell us they didnt want kids in their units after they met the girls(who were previously ok with kids)...Thanks girls,mum really appreciates the extra hassel,but I gues those places werent meant for us lol

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It was sweet of you to comment.
    I've enjoyed my visit to your blog and have read through your posts.
    You sound like a wonderful woman that has a TON on her very full plate. Bless your heart!

    I work in the ER and we do that concoction all the time for people with migraines. Imitrex has always worked for me and I have to be able to function. Benadryl or Phenergan would knock me out for a week.
    Imitrex isn't a narcotic and I just take one and in about 10 minutes or so it's gone. It is a miracle drug for me.

    Hope you are able to find a home and SOON!!!
